Entdecken Sie unsere Auswahl an
dänischen Whiskys
- Whisky
- Merchandise
- Cask Shares
- Geschenkgutscheine
Das Handwerk der Veredelung von Roggen zu einem raffinierten Whisky mit Charakter
Seit 2015 stellt Stauning dänischen Whisky vom Korn bis zum Glas her. Roggen und Gerste werden nur eine Fahrradtour von der Brennerei entfernt an einem Ort der absoluten Ruhe an der Westküste Dänemarks angebaut.
Durch die Rückbesinnung auf die Einfachheit der drei Zutaten - Getreide, Hefe und Wasser - nutzt Stauning Whisky die Essenz der Natur, um den Geist der Heimat einzufangen und gleichzeitig die gemeinschaftliche Arbeit zu würdigen, die hinter seiner Herstellung steht.

Visit the Distillery on Denmark’s West Coast
Blending a mix of old and new-world methods, Stauning whiskies are made from local grain and floor-malted in-house in
our purpose-built distillery. Distillation takes place in 24 small copper pot stills which are direct-fired to create complex flavours, adding weight and character to the whiskies.
Stauning is committed to creating whisky that showcases the elegance and beauty of nature, and each sip of this whisky is a taste of the tranquil terroir of Denmark.

Nine friends setting out to make a difference
Founded by a group of nine friends with a passion for whisky, who wanted to push the boundaries of whisky-making and create expressions reflective of their heritage with distinct Danish character, each bottle of Stauning is produced in the same spirit of collaboration, grounded in the humility and conviction of a community that understands the power of working as one.
Stauning invites drinkers into a new world of whisky that captures both heritage and modernity with a unique taste and character designed in Denmark.
International anerkannter dänischer Whisky
- Organisation
- Auszeichnung
- Whisky
- Jahr
- Spirits Business Awards
- Winner
- Whisky Brand of the Year
- 2024
- The European Satellite of SFWSC
- Gold
- Stauning Smoke Tawny Port
- 2024
- SIP Awards
- Platinum
- Stauning Smoke
- 2024
- SIP Awards
- Gold
- Stauning HØST
- 2024
- SIP Awards
- Gold
- Stauning KAOS
- 2024
- SIP Awards
- Double Gold
- Stauning Rye
- 2024
- New York World Wine & Spirits Competition
- Silver
- Stauning HØST
- 2024
- New York Intl. Spirits Competition
- Gold
- Stauning Smoke
- 2024
- New York Intl. Spirits Competition
- Distillery
- 2024
- International Wine & Spirits Competition
- Gold
- Stauning Rye
- 2024
- Drinks International
- Distillery
- 2023
- World Whiskies Awards
- Produktion
- 2023
- ASCOT Awards
- Stauning Rye
- 2023
- New York Intl. Spirits Competition
- Stauning Rye
- 2023
- San Francisco Spirits Competition
- Gold
- Stauning KAOS
- 2023
- New York Intl. Spirits Competition
- Gold
- Stauning KAOS
- 2023
- SIP Awards
- Platin
- Stauning Smoke
- 2023
- The Spirits Business
- Gold
- Stauning Dirty Bastard
- 2023
- Auszeichnungen
- 1 X Spirits Business Awards
- 1 X The European Satellite of SFWSC
- 5 X SIP Awards
- 1 X New York World Wine & Spirits Competition
- 4 X New York Intl. Spirits Competition
- 1 X International Wine & Spirits Competition
- 1 X Drinks International
- 1 X World Whiskies Awards
- 1 X ASCOT Awards
- 1 X San Francisco Spirits Competition
- 1 X The Spirits Business